Saturday, October 19, 2013

Midterm Exam (Picture and Definations)

9. Manoj Babu Misra, Nepal.

Manoj Babu Misra, Nepal.

In this painting artist Manoj Babu Misra portrayed himself as a Mona Lisa’s husband. The artist always showed himself with some characteristic of animal and in this painting he put different ear and horn into his head. We can see Mona Lisa in Nepali makeup and all clothing and jewelry. Here, I want to clear that artist can give tangible form to his or her feelings and ideas or thought. 

11. Maya Lin
Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 1980

Maya Lin designs the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in 1980 at the age of 21 years. She needs to show her sensitivity at that immature age to prove herself in front of some group because of controversy. 

Civil Right Memorial, 1988/89
Women's Table, 1993 (Yale University)

After that she designs for Civil Right Memorial and Women’s Table at Yale University. She has originality and productivity and did many amazing works but her repetition of same theme of flowing water is not interesting. She used same technique in Women’s Table and Civil Right Memorial.
Close looks of Women's Table

18. Garden of Poet, Van Gogh

The Poet's Garden, 1888

This is the one that I like most other than Van Gogh’s self-portrait. This is more playful and use of color is so amazingly beautiful. He use very thick strokes and straight green, yellow and white color in this canvas. This painting looks so full of life and it’s very cool which makes me fresh every time. I think he painted this painting in very happy mood. 

19. Gerhard Richter

Gerhard Richter is an artist who does different kind of work and his abstract works are also well known. These are some of his work and we also have a chance to see his work at Art Institute of Chicago. There are four panel of this kind of his work. There is no figure or any kind of objects. The movement in these paintings is the most amazing factor of his work which is able to give sensational feeling to the viewers. It creates some kind of energy into our body. That is the importance or strong thing about abstract art. Even though we doesn’t see anything, there are something deep feelings, idea, or pulling factors in it.   

28. Blog (Miao Wang)

I liked her choice of bronze sculpture Talking Skull, by Meta Warrick Fuller because it has so strong feelings and really deep meaning. One boy is placing his hand on the top of the place where the chest of the person supposed to be. It shows the poor boys sorrow and the loneliness without that person in his life. 

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